Britta ist in Schloss
Little visual raport of what is happening in Wien.
Wien! Artist-in-Residence!
Grateful as can be – from October to December I was chosen to the art-residency at Wien with Kulturkontakt AIR-program.
Summer 2018: Serigraphy workshop @ Muhu Print 4
22 artists from Estonia and abroad gathered on Muhu island, A.I. Art residency to work together with printmaking materials.
Spring 2018 report
Being art teacher, the spring is the most intensive time. Many courses ended up as student exhibitions.
Muhu Print 2017 #3!
31.juulist – 5.augustini 2017 toimus tänavune, kolmas Muhu Print A.I.Kunstitalus, Nõmmkülas, Muhumaal.