Laupäevast, 22. jaanuarist on Tartu Kunstimaja suures saalis avatud Britta Benno isikunäitus „Saamisest maa(stiku)ks”.
Tegu on Benno kunstipraktikapõhise doktoriuurimuse viimase kolmanda osaga, mis seab peategelaseks seni taustarolli täitnud maastiku. Kujund abstraheerub ning arhitektuur taandub lavalt. Esile kerkib kihiline maastik, maakoore kivimid paljastuvad mullakihi alt. Mineraalide agentsuse kaudu avaneb ühtlasi posthumanistliku filosoofia kristalliseerumine Benno loomingulises (enese)mõtestamises.
Tektoonilised kihid on elus, liiguvad ja hingavad, kasvatavad mägesid ning uputavad mandreid. Kihid kerkivad alt ülesse, raputades ja pragundades maakoorikusse auke ning lõhesid. Selleks, et kujutleda tulevikku, peab vaatama minevikku, et seeläbi mõista paremini käimasolevat.
Benno lisab: „Kujutledes Maa kihte, töötan kihiliselt kunstivahenditega. Kihtidena töötamist võiks nimetada omamoodi kuhjamise meetodiks. Materjalid, jäljed ja kujundid katavad teineteist, nagu maakihid moodustavad suure kera. Poeetiliselt voogavaid mägesid leian tekihunnikuna voodilt, topograafiliselt kaardilt või uute olendite atlasest.“
Britta Benno (snd 1984) on joonistus- ja graafikakunstnik, kes on õppinud Eesti Kunstiakadeemias graafikat ning on praegu sama kooli doktorantuuris teemaga „Mõtlemine kihtides, kujutlemine kihtides: posthumanistlikud maastikud laiendatud joonistus- ning graafikaväljal”. Ta on EKA graafika töökoja trükimeister, juhendanud erinevaid kursuseid ning osalenud kunstnikuna Kanadas, Austrias ja Islandil kunstiresidentuurides. Tegu on Benno esimese isikunäitusega Tartus.
Näitusetööde teostamisel osalesid: Ragnar Neljandi (operaator, animaator, järeltöö), Kassandra Laur, Iti Oja, Kristiina Tali (installatsioon), Juhan Vihterpal (helilooja).
Tänud: Laine Groeneweg (Smokestack Studio Hamilton), Pudy Tong (Open Studio Toronto), Rober Zeigler (Cotton Factory Hamilton), Madis Kaasik (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia prototüübi labori meister), Mare Isakar, Juho Kirs (Tartu Ülikooli geokogude hoidja, konsulant), Eesti Kunstiakadeemia graafika töökoda, Katrin Piile, Elnara Taidre.
Toetajad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ja Nukufilm OÜ.
Näitus on avatud 20. veebruarini.
On Saturday, 22 January Britta Benno’s solo exhibition “Of Becoming a Land(Scape)” will open in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House.
This exhibition marks the third and last project in Benno’s artistic research in the doctoral school of the Estonian Academy of Arts. This time the focus is on landscapes that previously appeared in the background of her artworks. Image is becoming abstract and architecture is backing away from the stage. A layered landscape comes forth, the rocks in Earth’s crust reveal themselves underneath the soil. At the same time, the crystallization of posthumanist philosophy in Britta Benno’s artistic (self-)definition reveals itself through the agency of minerals.
Tectonic layers are alive, moving and breathing, forming mountains and flooding continents. The layers arise from above while shaking and cracking holes and fissures to the earth’s crust. In order to imagine the future, one has to look at the past to form a better understanding about the present.
Benno adds: “Through imagining the Earth’s layers, I am also working with layered approaches to art. In a way, working in layers can be also called a method of piling up. Materials, traces and images cover each other just like the layers of Earth form a huge globe. Poetically flowing mountains can be discovered in the heap of blankets on my bed, on a topographic map or in an atlas of imaginary beings.”
Britta Benno (b 1984) is an artist working with drawing and printmaking. She has studied printmaking at the Estonian Academy of Arts where she is currently also finalising her doctoral project “Thinking in Layers, Imagining in Layers: Posthumanist Landscapes in the Extended Field of Drawing and Printmaking.” She is an instructor in the printmaking workshop at the Academy, has taught various courses in the school, and has participated in artistic residencies in Canada, Austria and Iceland. This is her first solo exhibition in Tartu.
Collaborative input to the exhibition works: Ragnar Neljandi (cinematography, animation, post-production), Kassandra Laur, Iti Oja, Kristiina Tali (installation), Juhan Vihterpal (composer).
The artist expresses her gratitude to: Laine Groeneweg (Smokestack Studio Hamilton), Pudy Tong (Open Studio Toronto), Rober Zeigler (Cotton Factory Hamilton), Madis Kaasik (Prototyping Lab manager at the Estonian Academy of Arts), Mare Isakar, Juho Kirs (holder of geology collections at the University of Tartu, consultant), printmaking workshop of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Katrin Piile, Elnara Taidre.
Supporters: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Arts, Nukufilm OÜ.
The exhibition is open until 20 February.
Fotod: Jürgen Vainola