As every spring, Tallinn Art Hall composed an enourmous group exhibition “Kevadnäitus 2018”
There was my two big etching presented: “Inhale” and “Exhale” from the series “Breath. Rhythm II”.
Being art teacher, the spring is the most intensive time. Many courses ended up as student exhibitions.
At the Estonian Academy of Arts, my drawing course for the III BA was about private spaces. We visited each other homes – my home and students places. Sketches done on our chambered meetings at homes and the artworks of the experience were presented as an exhibition at Draakon Underground Gallery:
With the VHK Art School students we participated in Tallinn XV Print Triennal Children and Youth Printmaking exhibition at the Tallinn Art School. Many months of extra printing classes were done with students at the Grafodroom studio. We printed works in linocut, screenprint and drypoint techniques.
There was also the works of graduation presented as an exhibition by the art class of VHK Art School, placed in our own dear Olevimäe classrooms. I´m happy with my students graphic works, that I instructed. Series of etchings and screenprint were made.
Giving a printmaking workshop for children in Evald Okas Museum at Haapsalu, is already a tradition for me. This time I had beautiful screenprinting workshop there:
Due to the Tallinn Print Triennal I was also invited to make printmaking workshops at Kumu Art museum. It was pleasure to give drypoint, linocut and screenprint workshop on three Sundays:
I also had a week-long printmaking artcamp for students at Kumu Art Museum – that was quite a challenge! But I taught 4 techniques in 5 days with 16 children.. Rough way to end the spring!