VII Art of Research: Authorship and Responsibility Exhibition

VII Art of Research: Authorship and Responsibility Exhibition

Very nice – the VII Art of Research conference includes a virtual exhibition of the participants, including my artworks –…/vii-art-of-research-authorship… Great way to have a look of various art and design from the artists-in-research field....

Spring 2018 report

Being art teacher, the spring is the most intensive time. Many courses ended up as student exhibitions.

„Teispool reaalsust” Tartu Kunstimajas

Näitusel osalevad: Britta Benno, Gudrun Heamägi, Kalli Kalde, Lauri Koppel, Ove Maidla, Ede Raadik, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau. Helen Tago, Kadri Toom. Kuraator: Lilli-Krõõt Repnau.